Thursday, March 24, 2016

Leonard Nimoy

One of the most iconic characters in Star Trek was played by Leonard Nimoy. Here is one blogger's thoughts on the man who brought Spock to life.

So Human:Remembering Leonard Nimoy


Hello everyone! Starbase Karma had a wonderful time at Millennicon this year. We'll be posting some pictures in the next few days. We were especially saddened to found out that this was their last year. SBK has some great memories of this convention. This was the first one we went to together, as a club, to be on a panel. I don't remember the title of the panel, I just remember the fun and camaraderie.
This year our panel was called "Strong Female Characters in Sci-Fi and Fantasy". We discussed how much female characters have changed since the days of women staying home doing housework and taking care of the children to the present where women do that AND have a career (whether it be saving the day as a superhero or working as a CEO of a fortune 500 company).
We hope you had an opportunity to stop by and visit us! Our next meeting is on April 9th at the Mary Ann Mongan Covington Library from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Come on out, we'd love to see you again!
Also Saturday afternoon we'll be going to AMC Newport on the Levee to see Batman vs Superman. We're going to the 12:45 pm showing (not IMAX or 3D due to some members who have trouble viewing those types of movies). We'll be meeting at the box office at 11:30 am and heading up for snacks around 12:00 pm.
Starbase Karma wishes everyone a safe and happy Easter!
~Michelle, Executive Officer

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Greetings Karmalites!

Welcome to Starbase Karma's Blog. Here we'll post movie, television, and book reviews. You'll also be able to check out our calendar of upcoming events. Some of our events include movie and television marathons at a member's home, Halloween parties, trips to COSI and the Air Force Museum in Dayton, as well as trips to AMC in Newport on the Levee for movie viewings. We even participate in Millennicon in Sharonville, OH, Cincinnati Comic Expo at the Duke Energy Center, and Marcon in Columbus.
Our club members consist of people from the Cincinnati Tri-State area as well as Utah, New Mexico, and North Carolina. We are a diverse group who love a diverse world of fandom. We have fans of Star Trek, Buffy, Twilight, X-Files, Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who, Supernatural, and Stargate to name of few. Some of us enjoy reading books instead of seeing their movie versions and vice versa while others love to do both. We have Reel Reads because of this.
There is so much fun to be had in Starbase Karma. We really hope you'll consider joining us!
And now the business end of SBK....
The first is e-mail us at and just let us know. The second way is to e-mail us and let us know you would like to become a voting member. Voting members pay $10 dues every year and they have a say on any votes that may be put to club members. You can also fill out the contact form below with questions or comments.
Thanks for visiting our blog,
Michelle, Executive Officer